901 W 4th Ave. Kennewick, WA 99336 (509) 586-0481 email info@sjske.org

1st Grade

Some pumpkin patches have more than just pumpkins!

Some pumpkin patches have more than just pumpkins!

1st Grade Teacher

Teacher: Karen Alleman

Para: Malayna Butler

Annual Classroom Events

Pumpkin Patch Trip, Harvest STEM Party, Dia de los Muertos/All Souls Day Altar, Thanksgiving Feast, Gingerbread House Making with 4th grade Buddies, Christmas Book Exchange, Christmas STEM Activities & Celebration, Valentine's Day STEM Activities & Celebration, Fat Tuesday Pancake Day, Easter Egg Hunt, Mommy & Me Day, Daddy & Me Day, End of the Year Picnic, Interactive Science Lessons, Science and Nature Walks, Integrated Weekly Religion Arts & Crafts Activity.

First grade is a year of growth for a child.  Children will be learning to read, write, add and subtract.  They will be learning that God is our creator who made us in his image.

During the year, students will focus on the following:

  • K-2 reading block that will allow students to (Heggerty) use their phonics skills to put sounds together to make words, gain fluency (Using the Readwell curriculum) to aid in comprehension at their instructional level.

  • Parts of speech and writing a sentence

  • Addition and subtraction, time, money, place value, and Accelerated Math (Math In Focus)

  • Families, communities, Scholastic News, and Junior Achievement

  • Plants and organisms (living things)

  • Daily Devotional Passage, Feast days and Holy days of obligation, and recite prayers in religious education.