901 W 4th Ave. Kennewick, WA 99336 (509) 586-0481 email info@sjske.org
2nd Grade
Second grade is a much anticipated year at St. Joseph Catholic School. It is the year that the children receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation and First Eucharist. There is a great deal of time and effort that goes into preparation for these special sacraments. Our Catholic faith is the center of our learning. The teachings of the church and the importance of the sacraments are woven through every subject. Academically, second graders actively work on increasing their stamina and independence with their reading and writing. Math becomes more challenging at this level. They are expected to fluently know their math facts within 20 and to be able to manipulate numbers and determine place value up to 1,000. Students will create projects in Social Studies and Science that include research writing and conducting experiments.
2nd Grade Teachers
Megan Liebe
Para: Tess Pulido
During the year, students will focus on the following:
Sacrament and religious education preparation
Attend church every week
Utilize Accelerated Reading (AR) so all students are challenged at their reading level
Use the Wit and Wisdom reading curriculum with authentic texts combined with background knowledge so all students have the opportunity to read more advanced books while having better comprehension results
Phonics with the Heggerty phonics program and Raz-kids online.
Math in Focus and Accelerated Math
Ongoing informal and formal assessments in all subjects
Scientific process, changes, matter and nutrition through the Smithsonian Institution Science Kit program
Community, citizenship and map skills
Children singing before 1st Communion
Annual Classroom Events
• Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Communion
• Participate in class service project
• Science Fair
• Pumpkin Patch
• Attend ACT performances