901 W 4th Ave. Kennewick, WA 99336 (509) 586-0481 email info@sjske.org
3rd Grade
3rd graders learn and teach about the saints so that we are better able to be saints.
In third grade, students take a more active role in their learning and faith. They are encouraged to lead others through interaction and by example. Students are asked to stretch to meet new goals daily, and develop new skills to enhance learning for years to come.
During the year, students will focus on the following:
Daily Religion lessons and a classroom full of faith and prayer
Basic multiplication and division facts, measurements using Math In Focus
Reading and writing strategies that support subject areas using the Wit and Wisdom reading curriculum
Varied writing techniques including cursive handwriting
Smithsonian Institution Science Kit program featuring Rocks & minerals, How can we predict patterns of motion?, How can we protect animals when their habit changes?
City government and map skills
Study of sacraments, prayers and Saints
3rd Grade Teachers
Angie Fiecke
Para: Amanda Ferguson
Annual Classroom Events
• All Saints Day project presentation and lead school-wide mass
• Pumpkin Patch with older grade buddies
• Attend ACT performances
• Field Trip to planetarium